Viewing a child’s limitations is like staring into the trees but missing the forest
The Youth Trophy Tournament draws over 200, and the International Youth Championship will soon follow
Huge Showing for Youth
The King of Rock and Roll also was inducted into the Gospel Hall of Fame, among his many accolades and talents. When it comes to the gospel of chess, look no further than these eager young minds. Chess is an activity lends itself to prodigies. Not everyone can become the next Magnus Carlsen, but everyone has the ability to make a positive impact on the game of life, where it is always your move.
The Youth Trophy had four sections with 225 combined entrants. Congrats to Lorenzo Antonio in the Premier (4.5/5) and Derek Li in the Reserve with a perfect 5/5 score. There was a three way tie in the Booster with 4.5/5, but Alex Zuo edged out Jason Qin (2nd) and Jonathan Gong (3rd) on tiebreaks. The Novice section was by far the largest section, with more entrants than the other sections combined with an impressive 145 entrants. Byron Jia and Andrew emerge with perfect 5/5 scores with Byron coming in first on tiebreaks.
People, Don’t you Understand, a Child Needs a Helping Hand…
…and a chess coach sighs…

Jay Stallings, or Coach Jay has been managing this chess camp for the past few years here as part of the Las Vegas International Chess Festival. These day camps were for all ages, but a majority of them were kids. Jay himself is a is a certified FIDE Trainer (one of only 19 in the U.S.) with 25 years coaching experience. For more information about his chess academy and teaching resources, you may contact him at jay@coachjayschessacademy.com, or check out his site. A special thanks to the coaches this year making this a wonderful annual offering. Many of them compete in the National Open when the camp concludes, and GM Ben Finegold has been providing free game analysis to all comers.

Track(s) of the Day, Oberoi – Heimann
Games can be seen on Follow Chess, we would like to thank GM Michael Rohde for his rockstar analysis on this game from 16 year old FM Shelev Oberoi
In this game from Round 2 of the National Open, Shelev Oberoi, who had just made his first IM norm at the Chicago Open, establishes a workable initiative against Mark Heimann in the early middlegame. But experiencing some hiccups, Oberoi settles for the win of the Exchange but in return for Heimann also having two healthy pawns. In the endgame, the pawns gain strength and Heimann takes over.
GM Rohde
Tune in for Saturdays recap, thank you for your time. Thank you, Thank you very much.